Wednesday, November 19, 2014


     The objective for this lab#11 was to add filters to our second draft of our colored scanned image. This was to make our cartoon character look more realistic. What I did was I added filters to the purple part of his shorts and I changed the color of pink. You can't really tell below because the images are small. I selected the part of the image that I wanted to add a filter to and I chose the one that I thought looked the best. After we added both images to a html document and added the headings to complete the lab. 
     This is relevant to Web Design because with these skills of adding filters to images we can make our images better with special effects. We can make them more intreging to the eye to make our work better quality. These skills are important for future projects and labs in many ways. We now have some skills and experience with Fireworks CS6 and the more experience we get the better we will get with these skills and even learn many more skills. We can use these skills to complete our future labs and projects with better quality so its important to get better with these skills.  


      In this lab the task was to think about your favorite cartoon character and sketch him. After that you had to scan the image that you sketched and color the character in and add filters with Fireworks CS6. For this lab/beginning part of our project I chose to use Patrick Star from the TV show Spongebob Squarepants. We used tools like the paint bucket , selection tool and others to select and color specific parts of the scanned image. We were able to add filters to make our cartoon look more realistic as you can see the before and after below.
     This was an important lab that will be useful in the future because we were able to learn new skills and got more experience with Fireworks CS6. Its important to know how to scan images and incorporate color and filters into them , so then you can make prototypes and examples for future work. Also , now it will be easier if needed to , to complete future labs or projects that require us to use these skills or use Fireworks CS6. This is relevant to web design because we can add these images that we colored into our project. We can do more than one images and now have more skills to do better quality work.