Friday, January 23, 2015

Project 4

     For this Project #4 we had to make an animation about the theme "Respect for All." I based my project on respecting the Earth because its something people see as a small thing but it actually has a really big affect on us. For this animation I made a guy walk across the screen dropping a paper. He drops a paper in the floor, while thinking to himself "this little paper won't hurt." He says that because  he thinks polluting something small won't have an effect on anyone or the Earth. 
    If everyone has that mindset the Earth will be really polluted. After he he though about the paper not having an effect on anyone or anything the scene changes to a animation of the Earth. This is the message of the project "Respect for all" and in this scene the message is to Respect the Earth and not to pollute it. This project will help me in my future because now I have more experience with animation, making symbols, adding tweens, and adding text to the scene. This will be helpful in future labs and projects where I have to apply these skills. Here is the link to my Project #4

Lab 17

     After completing Lab #16 and creating 10 symbols and putting them together in one scene we had to animate them in Lab #17. We had to have at least 5 animations with this lab but I was having trouble with the other symbols so I just had three. For my lab I made the baseball bat look like it was hitting the baseball and I made the caterpillar run away from the baseball. I also made the legs of the caterpillar move as it was getting out of the way. We added keyframes and tweens in order to make these symbols move.
     After completing this animation and saving it as a SWF file we had to put it into a HTML document so that it would be viewable online. We had to make sure that the animations worked online and made sure everything was centered with a title. This lab will be helpful in the future because it was like practice to do better animations in the future. It can help in future lab and projects because we now know how to use keyframes, frames, and tweens better.

Lab 16

     The objective for this Lab #16 was to create 10 symbols with no animations that would kind of be like a scene. We had to make 3 animals 3 flowers and 3 objects. For this lab I used tools like the shape tool , paint bucket tool , selection tool, rectangle tool and many more. This lab was good because it helped us with making different kind of symbols. I struggled a little with the animals but I tried to make them the best that I could've.
     After we were done with making all of our symbols we had to put all of them together in one scene. Then we had to save it as a SWF file so that we would be able to put it online. We  had to make an HTML document for this lab so that we could include our Lab in. We inserted the SWF file into our document and uploaded it online.  This lab will be helpful in the future because it helped me in making different types of symbols and adding them into one scene.

Lab 15

     The objective for this lab #15 was to make 3 instances of happy faces. For this lab we created symbols like the eyes , pupil, mouth and more. We had to make the mouth and eyebrows move as the animation went on. This was the second animation that we made and it was a little harder. Then we had to add three different filters to the eyes of the three instances. We had to make the instances different sizes but they were all at the same speed. 
     After saving it as a SWF file we had to put it into a website with a title and background. Last we had to upload it to our online portfolio and make sure that it worked online. This can be helpful in my future because now I am better at making animations. I now have more experience with Flash which will help me in future labs and projects. I also now know how to make faces and how to change the faces and even add filters to different parts of the animation.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

WBL Convention

     Mr. Morris came to our CCEC center on Monday January 12, 2015  to explain to us how to impress an employer and tips on our cover letter and resume. He also told us how important it was to have a professional email because he has personally seen really bad emails himself. This would be so that you can give it out for job applications and much more. He told us that it was okay to have a Facebook account but that we had to keep it clean. Employers can go through them and if they see something wrong, it could affect on whether or not they hire you.
     Mr.Morris also told us that it was important to give a cover letter as well as a resume when applying for the job. He told us that we should research the job that we were applying for so that we can see the type of culture the job has and how you will fit in. He told us we should include why we want the job and how we would be good for the job in the cover letter. Also to include something about yourself like your own skills and what makes you the right person to hire. These tips were really helpful to crete our own resume.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lab 14

     For this lab #14 the objective was to make an animation of a bouncing ball using Adobe Flash CS6. To do this we use tools like the shape tool and changed the color of the ball and background. We  inserted keyframes and then moved the ball so that it looked like it was bouncing. We were also able to change the frames per second to make the animation go slower or faster. We needed 4 different speeds of the ball bouncing to complete this lab.
     After we finished changing the speeds and finished with our animation we have to put all four of them in a html file that would go into our lab portfolio and submit the link of the website. This will be helpful in my future because now I know a little bit about Adobe Flash CS6. After more labs of creating different things and troubleshooting when things go wrong it will make my skills better. I will learn more and learn how to approach problems in the future.