Thursday, June 11, 2015

Project 7

     For our Project#7 we had to create a Flash Portfolio of all the labs and  projects that we have completed with Adobe Flash CS6. We had to create a portfolio of our own taste and had to have 3 pages. One was the home page and the other two were the labs and projects page. We had to link all of the SWF files of our labs to the page that it was supposed to be in. In our home page we had to have a video explaining what we have learned the last two years in our Web Design class. Also explain what each software that we learned about does and how we used them to complete our labs and projects. 
     In this project we used Adobe Flash CS6 to complete our Flash Portfolio. This project was hard at times because there was a lot of repetition that went into it so that you could see all the projects and labs that I have completed in Flash seen through this portfolio. It took a lot of time because it was a long project and if we made one little mistake while not noticing it made the process a lot longer. It took a lot of concentration to complete this project and it was also fun to make because we were able to make our own design. I think if I planned better in the the beginning with my storyboard the outcome of my project would have been better. I was satisfied with the final product of my Flash Portfolio because all the buttons worked and everything was visible.