Friday, October 31, 2014

Lab Index Reflection

          For this lab we had to create 3 websites that could link to each other. My home index has two buttons that go to my lab index and my project index. When you click on the lab button it takes you to a website that displays all the labs I have completed so far. If you click my project page , it takes you to a website that displays all of the projects I have completed so far. If you click on my page banner which is on every page it takes you back to the homepage of my index.
          For my index I wanted to keeps the colors in good contrast so I made all of the backgrounds the same. I made the buttons the same design and color also the same page banner for the three websites. I spaced out the buttons because I felt that it made it look better. For my lab page it shows a screenshot to each of my labs. If you click the the screenshot or text on top of the screenshot it takes you to the website of the page. Also if you click the picture or text of my project in the project page it will take you to the website of the page.
         I think its good to have a index that displays all my work because I will always have evidence of what I did. People will know its my work because it has a picture of me in the homepage. Its basally like a portfolio of all my work but its online. This is benefitial for me because I can always have my work with me. That is how I made my index and why its good to have one. 


          In this lab the objective was to make a table with six columns and two rows. In these columns we had to make ordered  lists and unordered lists. We had to make and unordered list of our favorite food , an ordered list of our favorite movies and more things like that. To complete this lab I inserted a table and used the tags for an ordered list, unordered list and list item. These tags are <ul> <ol> and <li>. I also added a background color and three headings. I made the text in the table white and the headings black.
          This is relevant to Web Design because tables with ordered and unordered lists can go on websites. You can do things to the tables like change the color and the color of the text inside the table. Also making the table different sizes and the text size in the table different sizes. I can see these skills used in my future because many people can want table in their websites. I will have to know ohos to crete them if the client wants it. Also I can use this in my future labs or projects to make things more organized.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


The objective for this Lab#9 was to make a basic rollover. To complete this I needed two different pictures. I could have taken them but I just used pictures that were already taken. I added a title and three headings to it. I added a function to the image so that when the arrow goes on top of the image , the image changes. The software I used for this lab was Dreamweaver CS6.

This lab is relevant to Web Design because rollover images can go on websites. Its important to learn how to add one into the website incase a client wants one or to make your own website/work better. This skill is good to so that you can add different tho go to your website and make it more appealing. This skill can be used in my future because if I have to do a lab or project with images I can make them rollover images if I wanted to. I can also use this skill in the future if I am making a website for a client and they want a rollover image on their website I will be able to do it.

Career Day / College Fair

           The college fair/ ITHS CTE Career and college Fair on October 17th, 2014 was a nice experience for me. I was able to talk to representatives from different colleges and organizations. It was good for me because it informed me about different colleges and what they're about. It also gave me motivation to do good in school so that I could go to a good college. I enjoyed talking to US Marine recruiters and getting informed about it. Also talking to other representatives from different colleges and organizations. It gave me a small idea of what the next level is about and how things work.

Monday, October 20, 2014

MP1-Self Evaluation

       This marking period I felt like I did good but  I could have done a little better if I followed all the procedures. I am on target because my grades were pretty high this marking period but I still could have done better if I troubleshooted a little bit more and made sure everything was working. I can improve this marking period by paying attention to details and taking better notes. When doing this it will make the work less complex and faster to accomplish. Also to make sure I give in everything on time and to the best of my ability.

Do now : Explain why attention to detail and following procedure are important elements of Web Design?

     Paying attention to detail and following procedure are important elements of Web Design because you don't want to fall behind. If you follow procedures , pay attention to detail and take notes, your assignments will be easier to accomplish. You want to get the best possible grade so that why you have to pay attention to all the details. If you don't pay attention to all details then all the work you have to accomplish will be harder. Its also critical to always be paying attention to the detail a client is telling you so that you satisfy what they are looking for.

Do now : Explain how do we take notes?

         We take notes by copying down what the teacher tells us to copy or what is hi lighted. We copy down the key terms and anything important. I sometimes use different color ink for key terms and a different color for definitions. I like to write neat so that its more legible even if I'm in a rush and abbreviate some words. I sometimes use hi-lighters to specify the most important things and try to space things out so everything doesn't look so tight. If I could see my notes better and read them more clearer it makes it easier for me to go back and study them.

Aim: Does a tree make sounds when it falls? How would a person across the world know?

          A tree doesn't make a sound when it falls but it does make a sound when it hits the ground. It is possible for a person across the world to know that the tree fell. If someone saw the tree on the ground and took a picture of it they could post it on social media like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. If they have friends that are at different places in the world then they're friends will see the picture and know that the tree fell. We can use the internet as a source to inform us about what is going on around the world.

Friday, October 17, 2014


In this lab#6 the task was to create a page banner for our portfolio. We were allowed to make it however we wanted with the colors that we wanted. I used photoshop to create the banner and I added shapes , colors, text and an effect to the color. I added to fingers pointing down on each side of the banner and spaced out the text so it didn't look tight.

I also used textedit to complete this lab. I added my page banner to the document and centered it. I will be able to use this in my future because I can use this page banner for my portfolio. Also i now know how to make page banners so if a client wanted one on their website I would be able to make one. I can now also add page banners to future labs and projects.


In this lab #5 the task was to create a nameplate in a style that we wanted and designed it how we wanted. For this lab I used photoshop and text edit. In photoshop I made my nameplate by using the rectangle tool. I used the text tool to add text and changed the color and style of the text. I changed the style and filter of the background of my nameplate so that the text could stand out.

I used textedit to create the file and add the headings into the file. I inserted the nameplate as an image and centered the image and headings. I made the headings white to go with the color of the background and nameplate. I will be able to use this in my future because I can now add this nameplate to my work and link it to my index. Also i now know how to create nameplates and how to insert them into websites.


In this lab I had to add headings and create a table. In the table I had to add three columns and three rows. I had too add the color code the name of the color and the actual color in the rows and columns. I had to add a background color and a text color to the html document. I chose the background of black and the text color of red because they go well together.

In this lab I learned hot to insert tables to the html document. I was able to adjust the size of the table and also how many rows and columns I wanted. I centered the table I inserted and the headings I added. This can help me in future labs because now I can add tables. Also Im able to add images to the tables and make things look better.


In this lab I had to learned how to make text hyperlinks and how to make an image a hyperlink. I had to take screenshots of three websites and add them to the html document. I added headings, a font color and a background color to this document. I had to make part of a text a hyperlink and it would send you to the website of the image under it.

This can help me in the future because now I can add hyperlinks to my future labs and projects if needed to. I added images that were in a size of a thumbnail so that everything would fit on one page. I also learned how to center things so I centered the thumbnails that I added. I will be able to center things like pictures headings and tables now in future labs.


In this lab#2 I had to write about why I chose the web designning class and write about myself. I had to write about what I expected from this class and how I think it will help me. I had to add a picture of my self in this lab, add a background color and a font color. I also had to add headings to the html document.
I will be able to use these skills in future labs. I learned how to add images into the html document and was able to make it different sizes. I will now be able to put pictures in my next labs and projects. It will be very helpful and I'm starting to learn more and more.


In this lab I learned how to make a basic html website. I learned how to insert heading in different sizes and how to add paragraphs into the website. I used tags like <!doctype html> in the beginning of the html website. I used tags like <h1> <h2> too add headings to the website in different sizes. I also closed the tags </h1> by adding a / after the <. 

This will help me in my future because I will be able to now make basic websites and how to add text to it. After more lessons I went back to this lab to add a background color> I also learned how to change the text color so I changed it to black because it went well with a background of gray. This will help me in future labs and projects so I will be able to add more things.