Friday, October 31, 2014


          In this lab the objective was to make a table with six columns and two rows. In these columns we had to make ordered  lists and unordered lists. We had to make and unordered list of our favorite food , an ordered list of our favorite movies and more things like that. To complete this lab I inserted a table and used the tags for an ordered list, unordered list and list item. These tags are <ul> <ol> and <li>. I also added a background color and three headings. I made the text in the table white and the headings black.
          This is relevant to Web Design because tables with ordered and unordered lists can go on websites. You can do things to the tables like change the color and the color of the text inside the table. Also making the table different sizes and the text size in the table different sizes. I can see these skills used in my future because many people can want table in their websites. I will have to know ohos to crete them if the client wants it. Also I can use this in my future labs or projects to make things more organized.

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